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26, UX226, CX326 3-Channel 300B 5687 5U4, 5U4G, 5U4GB 5Z4, 5u4c, 5C4S 6DJ8, ECC88, 6Н23П, CV5358, M3624 6h1n, 6n1p 6SN7, 6h8c, 6N8S 6X4, EZ90, 6Z31, CV493, U78, V2M70, U707 6X5, 6C5S, 6Ц5С, EZ35, VT-126B, CV573, CV574 80, UX280, CX380, VT-80 ALPS Anode Follower (AF) Attenuator Audience Auricap Audio Note Quest Balanced Topology Battery Blind Test Caddock Cardas Cascode CCDA Dale Resistor DHT EL34, 6CA7 Gainclone Headphone Hyper Stereo Amplifier Jantzen Cross-Coil Jantzen RSS Jantzen Z-cap Standard Matsushita MC MM Phono Plate Choke Potentiometer Remote Control RIAA Rotary Switch SAS SE Output Transformer Single-ended (SE) Single-ended Pentode (SEP) Single-ended Triode (SET) SRPP Subwoofer Volume XLR XO (Crossover) XO 2-way

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